We got together at the MITx DesignTech Summit to talk about the business of design. Here are my key takeaways.
A key output of OOUX is the object map. In a recent project, we explored using the map directly with our user group.
Character sheets get the whole team involved in creating, validating, and describing personas without relying on tropes.
As a manager, you have to get used to your achievements being the result of others. That requires a new set of skills.
It’s exhausting at times trying to figure out which version of ourselves we should be in any given meeting.
Use experience briefs to help teams stay aligned through the messy, thrilling process of creating something new.
I was on a panel for IEEE's Boston Entrepreneur Network on how UX impacts CX. Here's what we talked about.
Rifling through my research files, I came across this interview with Jason Pamental on working with web type in Drupal.
The MIT Designing for Health Conference took place at MIT Sloan on December 6, 2018. Here are some of my key takeaways.
Cialdini describes six “weapons of influence” so adept at guiding our behavior we don't realize they're doing it.
Whether we want them to or not, the interactions that designers create can help shape behavior, for better or worse.
I decided to create my own "user manual" as part of a major work transition. I'll share my reflections on the process.
Taking some time each day in meditation can make a huge difference in how you relate to others, and to yourself.